Friday, October 19, 2007

#27 -- "Macarena" -- Los Del Rios

Year: 1996
Chart Position: #1
Last year's Worst Songs position: #20

Dancing is fun. Group dancing is funner. Simplistic repetitive group dancing is funnest! The Macarena is for those who believe the Hokey Pokey is a bit complicated, and the Electric Slide is just plain wrong. Made popular on cruise ships and resorts, the Macarena became a sensation at weddings, bachelorette parties, bar mitzvahs and any other occasion when doing the arm gestures to "YMCA" might be inappropriate. For all the weddings we've played over the years, we've never played the Macarena. There is a God.

Fun Fact: Los Del Rios -- the duo of Antonio Romeo Monge and Rafael Ruiz -- were well-known folk singers in Spain before "The Macarena" vaulted them to stardom.

1 comment:

sarainitaly said...

Fun fact - the first time I ever actually saw the macarena being *performed* was when I went to San Francisco to see DMQ at Bimbos. What was the name of that girl I went with?? Little short haired girl? Anyway, we were at a club the night before your show, and they played that song, and people actually danced it. I had never seen it before.

I laughed my ass off.